Thriving Music Scene in Greenville, SC

Hello Greenville. I’m glad you are my new home. As much as I love the mountains of Western North Carolina, technology issues propelled me to move down the mountain, just outside the foothills of the Blue Ridge.
When I arrived mid December of 2019, I wasn’t sure what I’d find in terms of the local music scene. Now, just two months later I am thrilled to be here. Greenville has a robust music scene. Not only is there a strong presence of original music, the musicians I’ve met have been so welcoming. Maybe it’s just southern hospitality. Whatever it is, thank you – thank you – thank you.
I’ve performed at a couple of open mics and a songwriter showcase. I’m working on developing some duo partnerships. I’ve signed up for a songwriting contest. I’m looking forward to earning my place in this community.