My last blog post was so long ago, that I don’t even want to look at the date. Instead, I’ll move forward in the joy that I’m writing a post today. Today finds me sitting in my rented townhouse across the street from a big, blue, beautiful ocean in Melbourne Beach, Florida. Today finds me one year and seven days into my move back to Florida. But mostly, today finds me celebrating being a songwriter.
This past year has brought a lot of unexpected joy. Just writing that sentence makes me realize I need to start expecting joy. I’ve written several songs in this past year of which I’m proud. They are a departure from some of the songs of my past. Each one is still personal and is relative to this unpredictable journey I’m on. Hopefully, my experiences will resonate with you as well, and you find a connection in my songs.
The video below was shot on April 4, 2022, during Writers Night, a monthly songwriter show. Writers Night has been going on in Brevard County for the past 14 years thanks to the dedication of its creator, Sam Tritico, owner of Island Music in Merritt Island.
Mona Savona was inspired by an unexplained light in the guest bedroom of my townhouse. I never go in that room – yet the fan light had been pulled. I later learned that a woman named Mona Savona, had resided in my townhome before me and that she passed away there. I was also told, she was a redhead. Mona – this song is for you.